miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


We've been working on our mash-ups for over a week now, and we are done. My favorite mash-up was Santiago's. He really put lots of effort and time into it. It really shows, because his transitions where perfect, and all of the songs he used sounded great together. The beat was steady and nothing was like random. Anyways, my song, I think, was good. Although it has it's flaws. But I did put a lot of time into making it, and finding the right songs. I really do hope that
people like mine. But if not, well then how are you suppose to get better without failing? Right? In conclusion, I had lot of fun making this, and I´m looking forward to making another one.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Air Pollution

Air Pollution is one of the worst thing in this planet. It's not only bad for and persons health, but it is also bad for animals, and plant. Imagine a world where nothing is green, the air is full of gray smoke. Imagine a world where it's hard to inhale non polluted air. Imagine a world where theres no plants or animals. Can you imagine it? Well, if you can't then don't worry. With the way us humans have been behaving you should be able to experience it in no time. Convinced? Well if you're not, let me explain to you more in depth of how bad air pollution can be.

Lets start talking of how bad air pollution can be for an individuals health. First off, when you inhale polluted air you are inhaling chemicals, things that are really harmful to your body. That means that when you inhale polluted air you are basically damaging your lungs. A few ways that your lungs can be hurt are that you can get cancer, you can get asthma, and your lungs can swell (which makes it harder to breath). You know what else you would find interesting? It's the fact that recent studies have shown that air pollution affect your heart more, than your lungs. That's because when you breath in bad air your heart beat slows down. It happens because your lung swells putting pressure on your heart, and making it work slower. Also, it could cause a heart attack, which I assume you don't want one.

Now lets talk about how air pollution can affect both animals and plant. First of all, it's really obvious why animals are affected by air pollution. If you don't know why, then heres the answer. They also do have a respiratory system, a circulatory system, a nervous system, and a digestive system. In other word they are very similar to humans, which means they can get a diseases in their lungs. Moving on to plants. Plant are affected by air pollution in the way that if there is smog blocking out the sun they won't be able to photosynthesis. This will lead to them dying out.

In conclusion, air pollution as you can see is a big problem. If all the animals and all of the plant wipe out because of it, what happen to the civilians? Well the answer is simple there would be no civilians. That's because all of our resources would be dead, and useless. Now tell me, did you change your mind? If it didn't well then don't worry. Just do what you've been doing for a couple more years and you'll see you will regret it. So i really hope you help the world by not polluting as much or at all.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011


I've been thinking about this rotoball project for a while and I finally figured out what i wanted to do. First, the ball will come in from the left, to a bed room were I will be. Second, I will start playing with the ball for a while. After that I will stretch the ball and turn it into a pair of headphones. Also, I will be rocking my head back and forth. Furthermore, I will stretch the headphones and turn them back into a ball. I will play a little more with it, and eventually stretch it again, turning it into a drum set. Next, as I'm rocking out on the drums, the background will gradually change into a stage ( like if it where a concert). At the end I will turn the drum set back into a ball, and throw it out to my right. In conclusion, I think this project will come out great, and it will also be a very fun experience.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

My Future Artifact

Tutorial: http://www.worth1000.com/tutorials/162092/how-i-created-bubble-berry

The process that i went through to make this future artifact was kind of challenging and confusing. That's because I'm not a pro at using photoshop. Although it was kind of hard for me to do this I was able to finish it, and i think i did a pretty good job. The first step to making this artifact was to find a picture of what I wanted to turn into a bubble. In this case it was a basketball. Second, I had to find a picture of a bubble (this was easy). Third, I had to put both pictures together and desaturated the bubble (the bubble was overlayed). Fourth, I had to copy the bubble layer and put it on top of the already existing one with a lower opacity. Fifth, I had to Cut out the lines out of the basketball, mirror it, and then put them to overlay one with a slightly higher opacity then the other one. Sixth, I had to extract the basketball from the background, and repaint the background to the color i wanted. Seventh, I got another source of a bubble for a reflection, and placed it on top of my bubble basketball but with a really low opacity. Eight, I lowered the contrast just to give it a bit more of an effect. Now that I've told you the steps I went through to make this object, I will talk about the things I didn't, and did like about it. The things that I disliked were that It was kind of hard, and the fact that the tutorial wasn't really that clear. On the other hand there were many things I liked, some examples are that it was fun, I learned new thing, and I thought the final product was cool. Also, if i could change anything from my project I think id leave it the same. That's because I don't think i did a bad job at it, I actually think It was good.

In my opinion Julian did a great job in this project (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgE3h6GHTA-20ymJEHGA28N1eYGFZAeDzXaw-JZ5xGE8hNPIRFxkMZdbkFbZdMVGd-OiTdnm1eAHkXHYMnPumAY-ZMul0TD_Ry6Ho7m8Y8TNy2OTiSPo6MMql6c018gsfOTXhB9_utKBn5Q/s1600/cat+julian+photoshop.jpg). What I liked the most of from this project was the fact that it looks realistic. Also, it looks really hard to make. Not only that but I can tell that he really put a lot of effort and time into making this. Furthermore, I can see a few photoshop skills that I would like to learn. An example of this is that I would like to learn how he made the cracks, he made it in a certain way so that they only show on the rock and not on the cat. Not only that but I would also like learn how he made it look like a drawing.

My artifact is suppose to be the future of architecture, It's suppose to be the a machine that will turn anything into a non popping bubble. Although I like this object, I don't think It could be invented during my lifetime. I think that because so far there's nothing such as a bubble that wont pop. Also, I think that it is way to hard to make a machine that transforms something into something else. In the other hand, If it was invented during my lifetime I would get it because It sounds like lots of fun. Not only that but I would make a lot of things into bubble just to decorate my room a bit more. This artifact will benefit the people who are getting it, in the way that it will offer does people a wider variety of decoration. In conclusion, this artifact will benefit designers and architects the most.

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

My Net Speed, Gross Speed, and Accuracy, Growth and Decline (2010-2011) Charts

1. This chart is useful because the lines show how I've improved or unimproved. The colors make it easier to know which score is which.

2. This second is unique. It accurately tells me each one of my score. Another reason why i chose this is because it's easy to identify what is what.
3. I think this is the best chart because it is very accurate, easy to understand, and it shows me how much I've gone up or down in between scores.

lunes, 3 de enero de 2011