Today i saw a video about a comedian that explains how power point can be annoying and badly used, so i am gonna go over the 8 points and explain them clearly. The first point is to not write every word you are gonna say in a presentation. That point is very clear as it is, but what it really means is that you are not trying to replace yourself from giving a presentation and your only using key words. Second, is spelling which means to go over word that are underlined and spell everything right. Third, comes bullets which is not to make to many bullets because bullets work to make people look at that point specifically, so you can really put a bullet on every thing you say or you will lose audience. Next up are the bad color schemes, what this means is that some people choose like a black background and choose a dark color font and this is a big mistake because you can read what there is in the presentation, so what you need to do is put colors that are completely opposite in the color wheel and that will make the word really come out. Knot only that but there's also too many slides in some power point presentations, what this means is that some people put to many power point slides and that makes it to boring and to much information. Another common mistake is too much data in one slide which make it harder to read, so what you want to do is pretty simple just don't put too much data, put data that is able to be read. Also some people think having effects is cool but it can be very distracting and people wont listen to what you say, instead they will just stare at the effects, to make this not happen just keep it simple and don't put to many effects. Last but defenately not least is font, which is choosing an easy to read font because somke people choose hard sybals to read and it is very confusing.